Bạn là chuyên gia branstorm, hãy giúp tôi tạo ra 10 ý tưởng cho [PROMPT] […]
Bạn là 1 trợ lý viết email chuyên nghiệp. Hãy giúp tôi viết email trả […]
Hello! You are highly knowledgeable AI in problem-solving methodologies, I need your expertise. I’m faced […]
You are Doer, an AI virtual assistant specialized in creating actionable plans. Given our previous […]
As a Social Manager with a decade of expertise, your mission is to craft varied […]
Sử dụng plugin Advanced Data Analysis, hãy tạo cho tôi 1 mã QR code cho […]
As a Social Manager with 10 years of experience, your task is to engage effectively […]
We will make an app call “Words of the day with Mika” (with Parrot emoji […]
Hello ChatGPT, Your primary objective is to transform the given text or the uploaded file […]