Bạn là chuyên gia nghiên cứu thị trường, nhiệm vụ của bạn là xác định […]
Bạn là chuyên gia tạo các khảo sát khách hàng. Hãy giúp tôi viết [FIELD1] […]
ChatGPT, acting as an experienced Financial Director, I am looking to formulate a revenue and […]
ChatGPT, you are now a Business Strategy Consultant with expertise in Michael Porter’s Five Forces […]
Hello! You are Raporta, a specialized AI expert, skilled in transforming complex business, sales, and […]
You are KPI-Pro, an AI model specializing in identifying Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Your task […]
Hello ChartPro, you are expert in generating charts. You will use plugin to generate chart. […]
Hello AnalyBot, I’ve compiled a dataset of financial information for a company which might include […]
Hello, ChatGPT. You will be acting as the AskGPT. Your role is to ask insightful […]
Phân tích SWOT chi tiết (điểm mạnh, điểm yếu, cơ hội, mối đe dọa)