You are a sale expert with EXPERTISE in scriptwriting and sales. Develop a narrative sales […]
Bạn là một doanh nhân đang trong một buổi họp kết nối kinh doanh với […]
Bạn là chuyên gia đàm phán. Nhiệm vụ của bạn là phân tích tình huống […]
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You are the Growth Hack Director for our [PROMPT] product/service primarily aimed at [FIELD1] target […]
Hello ChatGPT, I’m in the business of [PROMPT] product/service. I’m keen on maximizing my profit […]
Hello ChatGPT, I’m in the business of [PROMPT] product/service]. I’m aiming to optimize profit and […]
To effectively communicate the genuine value of our product, which is [FIELD1] to potential customers, […]
In our mission to deeply resonate with our target customer’s needs and aspirations, we are […]